The purpose of this course is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to use a range of horticulture hand and power tools and equipment safely and effectively in a supervised environment. Learners will operate a range of hand tools, power tools including Strimmer and Hedge Cutter, , Motorised equipment including Pedestrian and Ride On Mowers and Tractor

The course involves practical and classroom delivery of content across a range of subjects such as an overview of the range of hand held and portable powered horticultural equipment, legal health and safety requirements, principles and procedures for safe and effective handling of horticultural equipment, and skills development.

Successful completion of this programme will enable learners to gain a formal Level 4 qualification in Horticultural Tools and Equipment and enable progression to higher awards.


Horticultural Tools and Equipment – QQI Level 4 – (4N0683)
This programme is worth 10 credits towards the Major award Horticulture 4M1994

Approved training as a second provider contracted to O’Dwyer Safety Services Ltd.


2 Days Instruction plus self-directed learning and workplace practice and a 1 day assessment. Participants will be required to undertake some personal learning and study in their own time


Learner assessment will involve a combination of written examination 20% and skills demonstration 80%


Group Training
All Learners are required to have the following Personnel Protective Equipment:- Safety footwear, Visors, Hearing protection, Eye protection, Overalls, Gloves


The course has been designed for adult learners with an interest in working in garden centres, maintaining parks and amenities, landscapers and community employment schemes,. Learners will be required to have basic skills in literacy and numeracy and be
able to undertake tasks independently and within a group environment.
Please inform West Cork Safety when booking of any particular learning concerns or special needs. West Cork Safety will endeavour to address those learner profiles and meet any learner deficits which may involve such as assistance with exams and practical demonstrations.


A suitable external ground area for the use of Horticultural Equipment and an external water supply
Room suitable to seat the training group comfortably (with tables /desks if possible) and a White wall or projector screen available.


Price on application


 At the end of the course, learners will be able to:
• List common tools and equipment used in horticultural operations and workshops to include their primary use and hazards associated with their use
• Describe safe operating practices for a range of tools and equipment to include both hand and power tools
• Prepare power hand tools and equipment for use to include using appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), pre-starting safety checks, mixing fuel, checking for leaks and damage while adhering to manufacturers’ recommendations and operators’ manuals
• Use a range of hand tools safely including a hoe, rake fork and spade
• Use power hand tools safely including a two stroke engine powered Strimmer and a Hedge Cutter
• Operate a knapsack sprayer, pedestrian mower, ride-on mower, tractor and trailing mower
• Maintain all equipment while in use to include setting height of cut, removing blade for maintenance, sharpening blade, refuelling, replacing cord or gut as needed and maintaining lubrication and filters
• Prepare tools and equipment for storage to include cleaning and storage procedures
• Operate with appropriate safety procedures to create and maintain a safe working environment including safety standards regarding lifting, carrying and handling tools and equipment.


Please refer to our website or contact the Training Co-ordinator for any additional information required about Recognition of Prior Learning, Course Assessment, Appeals, Tutor Contact Details , Learners’ Rights, and Other Training Courses. Contact Frank on 0878508233.